Welcome! Creative Rituals is a fun blog of mine featuring creatives and their rituals. Creatives talk about how they start their creative day, as well as give you more insight into their work. It’s a perfect opportunity to demystify the creative experience, and maybe even inspire!
Thea Lyons – Author
Today’s guest is science fiction and fantasy author Thea Lyons! Read on about Thea’s creative Day!

What Do You Do to Start Your Creative Day?

As a mom, my creative time starts when my toddler falls asleep. If I’m lucky, I get an hour or two during the day, otherwise I try and squeeze some in at night. I’ve learnt to write anywhere, but prefer my desk at home where I can light a candle, control the music, and scatter research books/notes about. A pot of tea is essential!
I like to start by rereading the last couple of paragraphs to get back into the feel of the scene, then I picture it in my head as if I’m there. If I’m writing something new, I start by describing the setting so my mind is fully in that place. While I like to have ambient lighting and soft music to get me started, that all fades away once I’m writing.
Creator Bio
Alethea (she/ze) is an Anglo-American who lives in Manchester, UK with her husband and little Sprite, a cacophony of stringed instruments, and a whole cupboard full of tea. She primarily writes fantasy – particularly dark fantasy, science-fantasy, and romantasy. Her short stories have appeared in various publications, but her main joy is writing long-form SFF. Her debut novel, The Hiding, is available now, and a collection of related short stories, Reawakening, will follow on 3rd September 2024.

You can find out more on her website (https://alethealyons.wixsite.com/stories) or through her newsletter (https://substack.com/@alethearlyons).
She’s @AletheaRLyons on most social media but is most active on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AletheaRLyons) where she helps run character questions and word prompts through her British writing support group. On Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/AletheaRLyons), she’s currently doing a series of Friday Folk Music based on the cyberfae novel she is querying.
Thank you, Thea, for being a guest!
Write on!