Creative Rituals – Author Thea Lyons

Creative Rituals Author Thea Lyons

Welcome! Creative Rituals is a fun blog of mine featuring creatives and their rituals. Creatives talk about how they start their creative day, as well as give you more insight into their work. It’s a perfect opportunity to demystify the creative experience, and maybe even inspire!

Thea Lyons – Author

Today’s guest is science fiction and fantasy author Thea Lyons! Read on about Thea’s creative Day!

Author Thea Lyons
Author Thea Lyons

What Do You Do to Start Your Creative Day?

Writing Space
The creative space of Thea Lyons.

As a mom, my creative time starts when my toddler falls asleep. If I’m lucky, I get an hour or two during the day, otherwise I try and squeeze some in at night. I’ve learnt to write anywhere, but prefer my desk at home where I can light a candle, control the music, and scatter research books/notes about. A pot of tea is essential!

I like to start by rereading the last couple of paragraphs to get back into the feel of the scene, then I picture it in my head as if I’m there. If I’m writing something new, I start by describing the setting so my mind is fully in that place. While I like to have ambient lighting and soft music to get me started, that all fades away once I’m writing.

Creator Bio

Alethea (she/ze) is an Anglo-American who lives in Manchester, UK with her husband and little Sprite, a cacophony of stringed instruments, and a whole cupboard full of tea. She primarily writes fantasy – particularly dark fantasy, science-fantasy, and romantasy. Her short stories have appeared in various publications, but her main joy is writing long-form SFF. Her debut novel, The Hiding, is available now, and a collection of related short stories, Reawakening, will follow on 3rd September 2024.

Books by Thea Lyons: The Hiding, Book One of The Seer of York; Reawakening: A Collection of Short Stories in the Seer of York Universe
Books by Thea Lyons: The Hiding, Book One of The Seer of York; Reawakening: A Collection of Short Stories in the Seer of York Universe

You can find out more on her website ( or through her newsletter (

She’s @AletheaRLyons on most social media but is most active on Twitter ( where she helps run character questions and word prompts through her British writing support group. On Facebook (, she’s currently doing a series of Friday Folk Music based on the cyberfae novel she is querying.

Thank you, Thea, for being a guest!

Write on!